This funding project will allow me to professionally publish and promote my newest novel; The Crux, an ambitious science fiction/thriller/fantasy. This has been a 27-year labor of love resulting in a story combining epic science fiction with dark humor and abstract fantasy. It features thirteen distinct and exceptional characters creating a rich, complex, and utterly original tale that will thrill, entertain, and challenge everything you think you know and believe about life, death, fear, fate, and hope. To give you a quick taste, some of the characters include: a young and conflicted Samurai, tormented vampire, psychotic fairy, and vengeful ax wielding corpse, so there's that. The first in a series of six novels this primary installment features an elaborately engaging introduction to the franchise. It thoroughly utilizes all that I have grown to know and love about science fiction while turning scientific theories, philosophy, and religion inside out and upside down. The funding will support all of the significant and burdensome self-publishing costs involved in both the paperback and E-Book formats. It will also provide all of the promotional materials. Examples of these resources include; bookmarks, one sheets, business cards, a booth at HeroesCon in Charlotte, NC in June 2015 to launch the novel and the varied costs of supporting that launch including copies of the novel to distribute and sell. With this funding, I should be able to substantially boost exposure of my book to a broad and diverse spectrum of people.
Here is the synopsis:
It is where the crossroads of magic, science, time, and space meet that the Crux exists.
Put simply, the Crux exists as the very nerve center of the infinitesimal dimensions the vast and immeasurable universe houses. It is the only dimension that parallels the Fleshworld, known throughout the cosmos as the one true residence of humanity. The Crux's legacy defies the finite understanding we possess regarding the concepts of time and reality. It is formed by an entity known only as Elders and monitored by the Controller, a being who appears to have neither beginning nor end bound by Fate and her undeniable, unavoidable, and irreversible dominion. He dogmatically obeys her predominance without reservation or hesitation, nearly worshiping her.
The residents of the Crux called Citizens belong to the Construct. They are created from the most powerful emotions humanity emanates, the thoughts and feelings that drive its race to both the brinks of self-discovery and ultimate destruction. Those emotions defined only by the language and ideology of its mortal hosts as; fear, hate, rage, and love, with love being the weakest of all of the architects. The Construct is the life force that shapes and supports every inhabitant of its dimension, without it the very fabric of the Crux would tear under the stress and burden of even the slightest anomaly. It binds their existence together, connecting them for all eternity in a majestic web of life and pain, joy and hopelessness, strength and weakness, and all manner in between.
Myth and legend, fantasy and fairy tale, all have their roots in man’s rare glimpses of the residents of the Crux with the imaginations of humanity filling in the blanks. It is the home of the monsters that haunt our minds and souls, a cosmic den that houses all the weaknesses and ignorance of the greater universe that surrounds them.
And soon to be the place where the greatest fears of men will become its last and greatest savior.
What appears to be a simple aberration quickly becomes a chaotic emergency after a bridge between the two worlds is formed. This bridge opens the floodgate for the denizens of the Crux to enter the Fleshworld freely creating ramifications that will violently ripple throughout the very fabric of time and space, fantasy and reality. It is up to a raggedy, jaded Marshall plucked from death out of the Old West and his unorthodox, nearly unhinged crew to stop the madness and discover the source before an unspeakable evil takes total control. They are faced with a cold and robotic Navigator, who is at best vague in her assistance and information, and the mysterious, ominous, and omniscient Controller refusing to move a hand against the cruel and calculating course of Fate. With the powers that be against them there is no other option but to defy every parameter, rule, and program to save both dimensions from absolute corruption and total annihilation.
Can they successfully tap into the system, enlist the most terrifying of creatures to assist them in their quest, and solve the mystery in time? They will be challenged and tempted at every turn, forced to face their own personal, unrealized destinies and the cost of their own abilities and immortality. Encountering a world that will reveal every weakness, compelling them to peer deep into their own souls and ask questions never meant to be spoken. In the end will they become heroes or devoured by their own desires?
Can they save humanity, when it isn't even aware it is standing on the edge of its own extinction? And if so, is it truly worth the cost? Either way, in the end....darkness will fall!
Backers will receive the following for the pledges:
$1.00 Pledge:
Personalized shout out of appreciation by the author on his Facebook page www.facebook.com/lostroadtohope and Twitter account @LostRoadtoHope.
$5.00 Pledge:
Personalized professionally designed signed postcard thanking you for your support. Item shipped by the end of June 30th, 2015.
$15.00 Pledge:
Choice of a full color high quality copy of one of two key illustrations from the novel, Sasha vs. Flare or Feast vs. Penance, hand numbered and signed by both the illustrator and author. Delivery by June 30th, 2015. Distributed copies will be clean, examples have been protected to avoid duplication.

$35.00 Pledge:
Signed paperback version of the novel, hand numbered and autographed by both the author and illustrator. Delivery by June 30th, 2015.

Risks and challenges
The novel will be self-published in E-Book and print formats. Although I feel my plan is well organized and acute there are always risks involved in these types of endeavors. For example, the book launch and initial signing could be a complete failure despite any hard work and marketing. This is the risk taken in any launch and signing scenario with a new work. However, this funding will allow me to create an event that will be epic in presentation with models cosplaying key characters from the novel and a professionally designed booth with impressive marketing tools and resources to fortify success. In addition, I have over 670 Twitter Followers and 407 likes on my Author Page on Facebook to assist in garnering needed support. I have spent 22 years in retail, restaurant, and multi-unit management with a proven track record of successfully marketing every business and brand I have been involved in, not only generating revenues but sizable profits. I intend on now utilizing those skills for this endeavor furthering enhancing my chances of success.
Please pledge and help me bring #TheCrux to life!
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