This is my first and only blog attempt that will include; movie reviews, personal thoughts, some humor, and, most importantly, a collection of the concepts and stories that I have both published and are currently developing for future publication. You are welcome to comment on everything, however, I request that all comments are absent of vulgarity or obscenity and demonstrate genuine critical thinking and honest interpretation. Thank you.
Saturday, December 31, 2016
#JustaQuickiePlease: The Lazarus Effect Review
Horror films should never be rated anything less than R, and this movie proves why. What is a cool, albeit unoriginal, concept, is pigeonholed by its rating, hindering it from truly exploring its theme and the terror that should accompany it. Add in a new director, with little experience in the genre, and this resurrection flick fails before it even begins. The script, though rudimentary in places, is sound and engaging, but the performances are so predictable and stale, that the storytelling instantaneously suffers and thrills immediately diminish. There are a rare few quick and effective shocks, but the majority of the scares are redundant and commonplace. Overall, this is a film that could have been deeply frightening but works so hard against itself, that in the end, the only thing that is disturbing is the fact you wasted almost ninety minutes of your time. 0 out of 5 Kernels; This low budget feature was DOA with no hope of resuscitation.
#JustaQuickiePlease: Assassin's Creed Review
Fairly unknown director Justin Kurzel brings us the cinematic incarnation of the groundbreaking video game that spawned numerous sequels; which may, in fact, be the closest this generation will come to learning anything about history. The film follows the concept of the game fairly closely while introducing new characters and imaginatively reinventing some elements to give the feature a fresh and unique feel. Although masterfully filmed and visually stunning, with a sophisticated and stylish script, there are two glaring issues that leave audiences quite unfilled by credits end. The first is the utter lack of true character development. Despite an intricate and engaging story, the players feel so one dimensional it's difficult to connect with any of them, leaving fans cheering during the magnificently choreographed fight sequences but nearly bored during any intermission and storytelling between them. Even Fassbender's performance, while well cast, is unintentionally mechanical and definitively lackluster. Second, I have to say; this is one of the most unsatisfying and disappointing climaxes to a flick I have witnessed in quite some time. With such a carefully crafted build, the conclusion completely dishonors everything worked for up to its point. It's as if the writer;s just gave up, maybe from exhaustion in fabricating the complexities of the lead in, or they were so preoccupied with building to the next film, that they had no choice, who knows. It is a shame, as this could have been a new standard for this genre which has a less than stellar record up to now. 2 out of 5 Kernels: Oh, and by the way, with as much as they showed that damnable eagle, he, not Michael, should have gotten top billing.
Thursday, December 29, 2016
#JustaQuickiePlease: Storks Review
Two new directors bring us a somewhat heartwarming fantasy tale about having pride in differences and what defines family. Although a bit predictable and sappy, with some questionable morality (customizing babies), there are genuinely funny moments; with the "wolf pack" truly being the comedic highlight of the film. The performances are solid, and they effectively tug at the heartstrings when called upon. Overall, it's a good film, not great, that will appeal to both children and adults alike. Not to mention, the animation is superior with memorable characterizations. I am genuinely shocked that this flick, with all of its pluses, didn't catch on as well as it should have. Maybe it was the fact that its story might create an issue for progressive parents who are attempting to provide their offspring a bit more realistic understanding of procreation. Or, again, maybe it was the concept of engineering prodigy that might have been slightly offputting. 2 out of 5 Kernels; somehow we made Gattaca child-friendly; who knew it only took wisecracking lupine and frolicking fowls to make that happen.
Monday, December 26, 2016
HARLEen QUINzel Teaser Trailer Update
The Initial reaction from The James' YouNiverse HARLEen QUINzel teaser trailer debut....
We have had over 2000 YouTube views thanks to James Hurley (our Joker) and his channel and over 12000 trailer post views on our official Facebook page!!!
But we need your help...please Like and Share our page!
Official HARLEen QUINzel Fan Film Facebook Page
If we get 500 Likes by January 1st, we are going to randomly select a winner for a HARLEen QUINzel prize pack that includes a set of signed cast photos and a shout out in the credits!
Visit our IndieGoGo campaign to pledge to our project today!
Some of the perks actually involve autographed screen used costumes from the film!!!!!
More details to come, including footage from our first full pre-production meeting!!
Sunday, December 25, 2016
HARLEen QUINzel Fun Facts Volume 1
HARLEen QUINzel Fun Facts
Volume 1
It took the writer and director 3 days to decide on the title for the film. Ironically enough, it ended up being the working title that director Ronn Garris was already utilizing with some changes to the spelling.
Actress, Lauren Spano was originally cast as Poison Ivy.
The film was originally planned as a five-part web series but when the director read the script he said, " We can't break this into episodes... it has to be a feature."
During the production of the teaser trailer, actor James Hurley had scheduling obligations and couldn't make any of the shoot dates. Tanner Garris, the director's 15-year-old son stepped in to assist the production. He endured almost 3 hours in the makeup chair to become the Joker for the teaser. All of Joker's speaking lines were performed by the director himself.
Actor, James Hurley was originally cast as Aaron Cash. He was quickly given the role as Joker after quoting lines from the 89' Batman Movie in his own unique voice.
Volume 1
It took the writer and director 3 days to decide on the title for the film. Ironically enough, it ended up being the working title that director Ronn Garris was already utilizing with some changes to the spelling.
Actress, Lauren Spano was originally cast as Poison Ivy.
The film was originally planned as a five-part web series but when the director read the script he said, " We can't break this into episodes... it has to be a feature."
During the production of the teaser trailer, actor James Hurley had scheduling obligations and couldn't make any of the shoot dates. Tanner Garris, the director's 15-year-old son stepped in to assist the production. He endured almost 3 hours in the makeup chair to become the Joker for the teaser. All of Joker's speaking lines were performed by the director himself.
Actor, James Hurley was originally cast as Aaron Cash. He was quickly given the role as Joker after quoting lines from the 89' Batman Movie in his own unique voice.
#JustaQuickiePlease: Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children Review
A film as silly as it is visually stunning, Tim Burton brings us, pretty much, his daycare version of the X-Men. With plot discrepancies galore, Burton tries to do too much in too little time, in his attempt to bring the book series, of the same name, to cinematic life. With the exception of Green's "dark Mary Poppinesque" performance, the remaining cast is stale and one dimensional at best; even Jackson's villain, though creepy cool in appearance, is, in the end, reduced to cheesy jabs and near goofy dialogue. The conceptualization is intriguing, as I am sure, the novels are, but once splayed across the silver screen, all the potential splendor is drowned out by a haphazard script and formulaic execution. Burton is a genius when it comes to crafting ingenious characters and environments, and this franchise should have provided him an adequate palette to do so. Instead, the whole project feels lazy and mechanical despite a bevy of imaginative material to work with. As a life long fan of this director's keen and edgy vision, I have to say, I am deeply disappointed. 1 out of 5 Kernels; what is it with schools and homes for mutants blowing up all the time...too bad Miss Peregrine didn't have a toddler speedster to lend a hand too.
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
HARLEen QUINzel official teaser trailer
We are excited to release our first teaser trailer for our upcoming feature length fan film HARLEen QUINzel produced by TGF Media Productions and directed by Ronn Garris.
Our film, written by Ronald J Rossmann Jr. finally delivers a long overdue, full and unique origin story to the exciting DC Comics villain and fan favorite Harley Quinn with a definitive horror twist.
In addition, we successfully create original takes on some of the DC universe's most iconic characters such as Batman, Poison Ivy, Dr. Jeremiah Arkham, Selina Kyle, Commissioner James Gordon and of course Joker, among others, while sincerely respecting their source material and canon.
HARLEen QUINzel will begin official production in early 2017 and stars the some of the most talented local actors in North Carolina. The cast includes; Lauren Roden, Jonathon Thompson (of Devil May Care Cosplay and Productions), Megan Rogers (of Reddoll Cosplay), James Hurley (of James'YouNiverse), Madison Smith, James Sealy, Chuck Kress, Chas Kress, Lauren Spano, and Ronald Rossmann.
You can find out more about the film through the official movie Facebook Page @
Please LIKE and SHARE the page...if we receive 500 Likes by January 1st...we will select a random winner for a special movie prize pack...including a set of signed cast photos and a special shout out in the credits of the film...
Also, don't forget to visit our website @
And please check out our IndieGoGo Campaign page and contribute to the production @
Our film, written by Ronald J Rossmann Jr. finally delivers a long overdue, full and unique origin story to the exciting DC Comics villain and fan favorite Harley Quinn with a definitive horror twist.
In addition, we successfully create original takes on some of the DC universe's most iconic characters such as Batman, Poison Ivy, Dr. Jeremiah Arkham, Selina Kyle, Commissioner James Gordon and of course Joker, among others, while sincerely respecting their source material and canon.
HARLEen QUINzel will begin official production in early 2017 and stars the some of the most talented local actors in North Carolina. The cast includes; Lauren Roden, Jonathon Thompson (of Devil May Care Cosplay and Productions), Megan Rogers (of Reddoll Cosplay), James Hurley (of James'YouNiverse), Madison Smith, James Sealy, Chuck Kress, Chas Kress, Lauren Spano, and Ronald Rossmann.
You can find out more about the film through the official movie Facebook Page @
Please LIKE and SHARE the page...if we receive 500 Likes by January 1st...we will select a random winner for a special movie prize pack...including a set of signed cast photos and a special shout out in the credits of the film...
Also, don't forget to visit our website @
And please check out our IndieGoGo Campaign page and contribute to the production @
Monday, December 19, 2016
#JustaQuickiePlease: Morgan Review
New director, Luke Scott, brings us a science fiction thriller that is both annoyingly predictable and yet abruptly shocking at the same time. Impossible you say, well then allow me to briefly explain. Under the predictability category, the story progression is formulaic, and most of the thrills are unfortunately muted by that said same expectance. In a failed attempt to remedy this, Scott resorts to a blatant brutality to overcompensate for the overall lack of surprises. However, as the film proceeds to its climax, that predictability begins to wane while the director introduces a few plot twist and turns that truly but momentarily stun. Does that change up save this horror flick with an indie feel? Not really, as the mundane character development and unnecessarily subtle performances, hinder this feature far more than even the dulled script. Now, I have to honestly say, Taylor-Joy's characterization of Morgan is both so effectively sophisticated and creepy, that it easily stands out among the rest of her ensemble. It's a shame, her portrayal was so immersed in the quagmire of Scott's rudimentary production that, even it, can't redeem the totality of his work. 1 out of 5 Kernels: As the tagline suggests, they should have never let this out.
#JustaQuickiePlease: Rogue One Review
The fact that Disney would trust such an important stand-alone film with a less than seasoned director is astounding; having that said same director craft one of the best, if not the best, entry in this iconic cinematic legacy is nothing short of miraculous. Gareth Edwards, of the disastrously bad 2014 Godzilla reboot and fairly good indie creature flick Monsters, creates a visually stunning and masterfully scripted solo prequel that embodies everything that makes the series so loved while impossibly providing a unique, thrilling, and thoroughly engaging story and characters that connect the universe together seamlessly. In a very short amount of time, Edwards is able to present an ensemble, that although we have a microscopic time to get to know, we almost immediately feel connected to. Any expected predictability is swiftly eclipsed by a remarkable script and equally inspired performances. Although partaking in fan familiarity, to compare this to the other films in this family is folly, as this feature truly sets itself apart in tone, sweep, and scope. Look for some simply incredible CGI work and unused New Hope footage to breathe new life into some beloved heroes and villains alike. Although, undoubtedly, there may be some anomalies discovered by the most devout disciples, overall, this is what Star Wars was always meant to be, an edge of your seat adventure saga with characters who feel like best friends. Not to mention, we finally get to see the Darth Vader we so richly deserve. 5 out of 5 Kernels: This Force is the with this film and this film is one with the Force!
Thursday, December 15, 2016
DC's Legends of Tomorrow Grade: F
DC's Legends of Tomorrow Grade: F
Well, at least they're consistent...
1. Let's find the least Italian looking guy we can find to play Italian Mobster Al Capone...
2. The Legion of Doom...
More like Two Guys Who Can Cause Mild Distress and One Guy Who is a Bad Arse and Really Doesn't Need the Other Guys...
3. the Legends can frak up history at every turn without any ramification...
Barry saves his mom and the whole universe goes to hell...
4. No one kills Eobard after they immobilize him with the conveniently discovered Anti-Speedster gun...
5. Mick is literally having Cold feet about being a hero...
6. Firestorm can turn an alien mega bomb into water but when it comes to one on one combat he is as useful as bringing a pillow to a gun fight...
7. Sure...let's give the bad guys the amulet, that as far as we know is a weapon of mass destruction, to save Stein...frak the greater good...we are Legends...
8. So, Team Thawne has to find a staff of magical power...
I guess Loki is the next member of The Legion of Doom...
9. Rip Hunter is now directing a bad science fiction TV show...
10. Regurgitating lines from a movie does not a script make...
With that said...the writing on this episode was so was Untouchable...
Get it...get it...alright...moving on...
#WCCB #CW #LEGENDS #DCLegendsofTomorrow #Lastseason #MovingtoTuesdaywontsavethisshow
Well, at least they're consistent...
1. Let's find the least Italian looking guy we can find to play Italian Mobster Al Capone...
2. The Legion of Doom...
More like Two Guys Who Can Cause Mild Distress and One Guy Who is a Bad Arse and Really Doesn't Need the Other Guys...
3. the Legends can frak up history at every turn without any ramification...
Barry saves his mom and the whole universe goes to hell...
4. No one kills Eobard after they immobilize him with the conveniently discovered Anti-Speedster gun...
5. Mick is literally having Cold feet about being a hero...
6. Firestorm can turn an alien mega bomb into water but when it comes to one on one combat he is as useful as bringing a pillow to a gun fight...
7. Sure...let's give the bad guys the amulet, that as far as we know is a weapon of mass destruction, to save Stein...frak the greater good...we are Legends...
8. So, Team Thawne has to find a staff of magical power...
I guess Loki is the next member of The Legion of Doom...
9. Rip Hunter is now directing a bad science fiction TV show...
10. Regurgitating lines from a movie does not a script make...
With that said...the writing on this episode was so was Untouchable...
Get it...get it...alright...moving on...
#WCCB #CW #LEGENDS #DCLegendsofTomorrow #Lastseason #MovingtoTuesdaywontsavethisshow
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Arrow Grade: D+
Arrow Grade: D+
And the plus was being extremely generous...
1. Oh look, a character they took no time to develop, and I have zero invested in, just died...
Oh look, a relationship no one cares about just broke up...
And those were the focal points of this know how things pretty much went after that...
2. Really...we are now doing Flashbacks from season preempt our usually inane Flashbacks...
3. No one noticed the obvious super slow motion action move, to indicate a plot device, because the fight sequences have been so bad this season we couldn't tell the difference...
4. Focus on Vodka bottle to tie together storyline no one cares about...
5. Laurel is only took her death and reincarnation to make her character vaguely interesting...
Oh, and we know that Talia is Prometheus and she brought a brainwashed Laurel back to torture Oliver thanks to Flashpoint which altered whether or not the Lazarus Pit was destroyed...
*takes long breath then drops mic*
6. Mr. Terrific is going to change his superhero name to Terrific Punching Bag...
7. Artemis is the Katniss Everdeen of this show...but twice as annoying and half as interesting...
8. And like that...
Alien invasion...what, Alien invasion...
9. For someone who doesn't want to be a vigilante...Speedy sure has been jumping back into Team Oliver any chance she gets...
Ollie has a hang nail...get me my gear...
10. So the benefits of being on Team Arrow...
Zero security for secret hideout...
Unlimited cry talking...
We don't vet team members...
Training is a bit sadomasochistic...
You will get caught...
Secret identity...yeah, frak that...
Consistent questioning of purpose...
Relationships...yeah, not so much...
State of the art tech that is always second fiddle to any given villain's basic tech...
But, we have health and dental...
#Arrow #Thewritershavefailedthisswho #WCCB #CW
And the plus was being extremely generous...
1. Oh look, a character they took no time to develop, and I have zero invested in, just died...
Oh look, a relationship no one cares about just broke up...
And those were the focal points of this know how things pretty much went after that...
2. Really...we are now doing Flashbacks from season preempt our usually inane Flashbacks...
3. No one noticed the obvious super slow motion action move, to indicate a plot device, because the fight sequences have been so bad this season we couldn't tell the difference...
4. Focus on Vodka bottle to tie together storyline no one cares about...
5. Laurel is only took her death and reincarnation to make her character vaguely interesting...
Oh, and we know that Talia is Prometheus and she brought a brainwashed Laurel back to torture Oliver thanks to Flashpoint which altered whether or not the Lazarus Pit was destroyed...
*takes long breath then drops mic*
6. Mr. Terrific is going to change his superhero name to Terrific Punching Bag...
7. Artemis is the Katniss Everdeen of this show...but twice as annoying and half as interesting...
8. And like that...
Alien invasion...what, Alien invasion...
9. For someone who doesn't want to be a vigilante...Speedy sure has been jumping back into Team Oliver any chance she gets...
Ollie has a hang nail...get me my gear...
10. So the benefits of being on Team Arrow...
Zero security for secret hideout...
Unlimited cry talking...
We don't vet team members...
Training is a bit sadomasochistic...
You will get caught...
Secret identity...yeah, frak that...
Consistent questioning of purpose...
Relationships...yeah, not so much...
State of the art tech that is always second fiddle to any given villain's basic tech...
But, we have health and dental...
#Arrow #Thewritershavefailedthisswho #WCCB #CW
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
HARLEen QUINzel @ Charlotte Comicon 2016
A few pics from #CharlotteComicon 2016...we had an awesome time debuting the teaser trailer and introducing the cast @ the panel.
We had over 80 in attendance for the premier!
Don't forget to check out our IndieGoGo Campaign and pledge to support this amazing film!
And LIKE and SHARE our official movie Facebook page...
Special thanks to Rick Fortenberry David Hinson and Kerri Marks for hosting such an incredible event!
We had over 80 in attendance for the premier!
Don't forget to check out our IndieGoGo Campaign and pledge to support this amazing film!
And LIKE and SHARE our official movie Facebook page...
Special thanks to Rick Fortenberry David Hinson and Kerri Marks for hosting such an incredible event!
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#StreetJusticeBatman has a new sidekick! |
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#StreetJusticeBatman |
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Our Harleen Quinzel...actress Lauren Spano! |
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The Bat and the Cat meet again...Megan Rogers, who plays Pamela Isley in the HARLEen QUINzel fim, sports her Catwoman Cosplay! |
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So, that's how Dayna Verhey got the role of Selina Kyle in our she is wearing her signature Harley Quinn Cosplay! |
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Dayna Verhey who plays Selina Kyle in HARLEen QUINzel sporting her signature Harley Quinn Cosplay! |
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#StreetJusticeBatman is on patrol when he spots a familiar face! |
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Harley throws the first punch! |
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Charlotte Comicon is the best single day Con in the south! |
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#StreetJusticeBatman always brings smiles...and justice! |
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Jonathan Thompson, of #DevilMayCareCosplay wearing his official #WCCB Charlotte's #CW Arrow for our film, he plays Dr. Jeremiah Arkham. |
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A tale of two Harleys...Lauren Spano as Dr. Harleen Quinzel and Lauren Roden as young Harleen. |
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Catwoman is fierce...but Megan Rogers will be fiercest as our Pamela Isley in HARLEen QUINzel! |
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#StreetJusticeBatman has fans of all kinds! |
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James Hurley of James' YouNiversebrings our Joker to frighteningly awesome life! |
Monday, December 12, 2016
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Grade: C-
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Grade: C-
Spoilers so good that can't be real...
1. Raise your hand if you knew that the Android created by an arrogant, bordering on narcissistic, scientist was going to go bad...
2. Could Aida be Annie...
3. Ladies and gentlemen...The Patriot's new uniform...
Did raiding the leftovers from the first three X-Men movies truly feel like a good idea at the time....
4. The writers really have the "Jones" for boxes this season...don't they...
5. How do you create a completely convoluted and anticlimactic ending to an awesome Ghost Rider run...
Well, there you go...
6. Eli's plan...literally went to hell...
7. This is the second time we have a duplicate May...
Cause...everyone wants to be May...
8. Yo-Yo and Mack...
Just the mechanics of that should be a show...
9. Daisy is back...
Yay...I guess...
10. This Life Model Decoy storyline better be a solid follow-up to Robbie Reyes...
Or the entire writing staff will deserve a Penance Stare...
#ABC #Marvel #MarvelsAOS #AgentsofShield #Dontbreakthestreak
Spoilers so good that can't be real...
1. Raise your hand if you knew that the Android created by an arrogant, bordering on narcissistic, scientist was going to go bad...
2. Could Aida be Annie...
3. Ladies and gentlemen...The Patriot's new uniform...
Did raiding the leftovers from the first three X-Men movies truly feel like a good idea at the time....
4. The writers really have the "Jones" for boxes this season...don't they...
5. How do you create a completely convoluted and anticlimactic ending to an awesome Ghost Rider run...
Well, there you go...
6. Eli's plan...literally went to hell...
7. This is the second time we have a duplicate May...
Cause...everyone wants to be May...
8. Yo-Yo and Mack...
Just the mechanics of that should be a show...
9. Daisy is back...
Yay...I guess...
10. This Life Model Decoy storyline better be a solid follow-up to Robbie Reyes...
Or the entire writing staff will deserve a Penance Stare...
#ABC #Marvel #MarvelsAOS #AgentsofShield #Dontbreakthestreak
Flash Grade: A-
Flash Grade: A-
Savitar level spoilers...
1. What's in the box Barry...what's in the box...
2. Dr. Alchemy...also known as Dr. Convienent Amnesia...
P.S...did anyone else have a Rick Moranis in Ghostbusters flashback...
Cause if you are awesome...
3. Wally West finally got's your fraking costume, now shut the hell up already...present...
4. I am Barry Allen...and I am the fastest man on every other show but mine...
5. So...instead of Savitar being powered by a cube...he's powered by a stone...
Because we didn't want to totally piss off Michael Bay...
Next week...Trajectory returns...played by Megan Fox...
6. That Jay/Barry's dad moment...
7. Blade through Iris' heart...and Barry's to gave the Timeline...a bad name...
Bonus points, if you actually sang those lyrics in your head...
And, I know you did...
8. The first "Barry apology free" episode...of the year...
9. Julian goes from hating Barry to Christmas with the Wests...
Holy unbelievable character evolution Batman...
10. Barry knows the future...
Thank God we can trust him not to do anything to alter tim.... anyway...
#Flash #WCCB #CW #CantwaituntilJanuary
Savitar level spoilers...
1. What's in the box Barry...what's in the box...
2. Dr. Alchemy...also known as Dr. Convienent Amnesia...
P.S...did anyone else have a Rick Moranis in Ghostbusters flashback...
Cause if you are awesome...
3. Wally West finally got's your fraking costume, now shut the hell up already...present...
4. I am Barry Allen...and I am the fastest man on every other show but mine...
5. So...instead of Savitar being powered by a cube...he's powered by a stone...
Because we didn't want to totally piss off Michael Bay...
Next week...Trajectory returns...played by Megan Fox...
6. That Jay/Barry's dad moment...
7. Blade through Iris' heart...and Barry's to gave the Timeline...a bad name...
Bonus points, if you actually sang those lyrics in your head...
And, I know you did...
8. The first "Barry apology free" episode...of the year...
9. Julian goes from hating Barry to Christmas with the Wests...
Holy unbelievable character evolution Batman...
10. Barry knows the future...
Thank God we can trust him not to do anything to alter tim.... anyway...
#Flash #WCCB #CW #CantwaituntilJanuary
Sunday, December 11, 2016
Saturday, December 10, 2016
Monday, December 5, 2016
HARLEen QUINzel Update 12/5/16
"Blind by reality, I see no sanity"...
A quick screen shot from our Harley Quinn origin story with, as you can see, a distinctive horror feel...
Visit our page to see the new movie poster...SHARE and LIKE it for film updates as they are coming fast and furious.
If we get 1000 LIKES by January 1st, 2017...we will be randomly selecting a winner for a set of autographed cast prints and A SHOUT OUT IN THE CREDITS of the film.
The first trailer will debut @ #CharlotteComicon on Dec.11th at 11am with a panel, featuring our cast, to follow!!!
We will also be holding open auditions for both unpaid speaking and non-speaking roles for the film at our table.
We are also currently seeking an African Amercian male, age 35-45, athletic build, 5'7" to 5'11" for a starring role in our film. Interested parties can message our Facebook page.
Our IndieGoGo campaign page is PLEDGE and SHARE today...we need your support!!!
A quick screen shot from our Harley Quinn origin story with, as you can see, a distinctive horror feel...
Visit our page to see the new movie poster...SHARE and LIKE it for film updates as they are coming fast and furious.
If we get 1000 LIKES by January 1st, 2017...we will be randomly selecting a winner for a set of autographed cast prints and A SHOUT OUT IN THE CREDITS of the film.
The first trailer will debut @ #CharlotteComicon on Dec.11th at 11am with a panel, featuring our cast, to follow!!!
We will also be holding open auditions for both unpaid speaking and non-speaking roles for the film at our table.
We are also currently seeking an African Amercian male, age 35-45, athletic build, 5'7" to 5'11" for a starring role in our film. Interested parties can message our Facebook page.
Our IndieGoGo campaign page is PLEDGE and SHARE today...we need your support!!!
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Grade: A
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Grade: A
Interdimensional spoilers...
1. Okay...Mack as the new Ghost Rider...WHY IS THIS NOT A THING ALREADY...
2. Sure, let a robot have access to otherworldly technology...what could possibly go wrong...*coughs* Ultron *coughs*...
3. When you finally leave the "friend zone" with your crush...not even an Inhuman will stand between you and them...
4. So does a "bottle of Haig" in A.O.S mean the same thing as a "cup of coffee" in Luke Cage...
Lots of "quotes" in this grade...isn't there...
5. Carbon kills, people...carbon kills...
6. Did they just build the Stargate...
7. And, why were the scientists examining the cocooned Inhuman wearing Hazmat suits...have they not watched Season 3, yet...
8. So...Coulson and Fitz were just naturally going to hell...
Sheesh...writers...judgemental much...
9. Was I the only one who cringed when Daisy scratched up Robbie's ride...
10. Daisy is either a bigger narcissist than Grant Ward or...ummm...who am I kidding...I got nothing...she is basically a bigger narcissist than Grant Ward...
#MarvelRocks #MarvelsAOS #MarvelsAgentsofShield #ABC
Interdimensional spoilers...
1. Okay...Mack as the new Ghost Rider...WHY IS THIS NOT A THING ALREADY...
2. Sure, let a robot have access to otherworldly technology...what could possibly go wrong...*coughs* Ultron *coughs*...
3. When you finally leave the "friend zone" with your crush...not even an Inhuman will stand between you and them...
4. So does a "bottle of Haig" in A.O.S mean the same thing as a "cup of coffee" in Luke Cage...
Lots of "quotes" in this grade...isn't there...
5. Carbon kills, people...carbon kills...
6. Did they just build the Stargate...
7. And, why were the scientists examining the cocooned Inhuman wearing Hazmat suits...have they not watched Season 3, yet...
8. So...Coulson and Fitz were just naturally going to hell...
Sheesh...writers...judgemental much...
9. Was I the only one who cringed when Daisy scratched up Robbie's ride...
10. Daisy is either a bigger narcissist than Grant Ward or...ummm...who am I kidding...I got nothing...she is basically a bigger narcissist than Grant Ward...
#MarvelRocks #MarvelsAOS #MarvelsAgentsofShield #ABC
Gotham Grade: A-
Gotham Grade: A-
This show is consistently DC's saving grace...
1. Deconstructing Gordon...
2. Even infected with Alice Tetch's blood...Mario is still boring as hell...
3. Jim, you missed...oh, my weren't aiming for Lee...sorry...carry on...
4. Apparently when Falcone told Jim not to shoot his son...Gordon heard, "please empty your entire clip into his Tux shirt"...
5. He used the grappling hook...he USED THE GRAPPLING HOOK...
6. Alfred is just bad arse incarnate...ain't he...
7. You realize this is a work of true fiction when you see a 15-year-old boy doing something more than playing Halo twelve hours a day...
8. Anyone else just come to the realization that Bruce blew off the Batcave...
9. Geek mecca would have absolutely occurred if Selina's mom would have been played by Pfeiffer...c'mon let us down...
#JEROME #Gotham #Fox
This show is consistently DC's saving grace...
1. Deconstructing Gordon...
2. Even infected with Alice Tetch's blood...Mario is still boring as hell...
3. Jim, you missed...oh, my weren't aiming for Lee...sorry...carry on...
4. Apparently when Falcone told Jim not to shoot his son...Gordon heard, "please empty your entire clip into his Tux shirt"...
5. He used the grappling hook...he USED THE GRAPPLING HOOK...
6. Alfred is just bad arse incarnate...ain't he...
7. You realize this is a work of true fiction when you see a 15-year-old boy doing something more than playing Halo twelve hours a day...
8. Anyone else just come to the realization that Bruce blew off the Batcave...
9. Geek mecca would have absolutely occurred if Selina's mom would have been played by Pfeiffer...c'mon let us down...
#JEROME #Gotham #Fox
DC's Legends of Tomorrow Grade: C
DC's Legends of Tomorrow Grade: C
Probably the one and only time this show will achieve such a prestigious grade...
1. Supergirl and Firestorm team actuality...Dominators defeated...and the entire season of this show wrapped up in about, give or take,10 minutes...
2. Is this an episode of Legends or a cut scene from X-Men: Days of Future Past...and where the hell was the funky-fresh soundtrack...
3. Felicity throwing up was the most intense and interesting thing she has done in two and a half seasons...
4. Cisco does exactly what he blamed Barry for...thank God no one...I mean everyone...saw that coming...
5. Just when you thought Diggle's helmet was the most pointless and ludicrous thing you ever saw...I give you...Citizen's Steel's super suit...
6. I now realize I only watch this show because of Mick...why can't we have a show with just Sarah and Mick...
7. You know writers...crafting an entire script using mostly pop culture references does not a show make...
8. line of the entire series...
Brandon Routh speaking as Ray..."She reminds me of my cousin"...well played...well played...
At least he was good for something...
9. Do you think Kara got Mick's number...cause, I'm kinda thinking she did...I mean look at the choices she has back on Earth-38...
10. And why did we leave Martian Manhunter back on Earth-38...cause we didn't want to achieve the awesomeness of having nearly all the Justice League members that what it was...
#Legendsisastrongterm #DCLegends #LegendsofTomorrow #WCCB #CW
Probably the one and only time this show will achieve such a prestigious grade...
1. Supergirl and Firestorm team actuality...Dominators defeated...and the entire season of this show wrapped up in about, give or take,10 minutes...
2. Is this an episode of Legends or a cut scene from X-Men: Days of Future Past...and where the hell was the funky-fresh soundtrack...
3. Felicity throwing up was the most intense and interesting thing she has done in two and a half seasons...
4. Cisco does exactly what he blamed Barry for...thank God no one...I mean everyone...saw that coming...
5. Just when you thought Diggle's helmet was the most pointless and ludicrous thing you ever saw...I give you...Citizen's Steel's super suit...
6. I now realize I only watch this show because of Mick...why can't we have a show with just Sarah and Mick...
7. You know writers...crafting an entire script using mostly pop culture references does not a show make...
8. line of the entire series...
Brandon Routh speaking as Ray..."She reminds me of my cousin"...well played...well played...
At least he was good for something...
9. Do you think Kara got Mick's number...cause, I'm kinda thinking she did...I mean look at the choices she has back on Earth-38...
10. And why did we leave Martian Manhunter back on Earth-38...cause we didn't want to achieve the awesomeness of having nearly all the Justice League members that what it was...
#Legendsisastrongterm #DCLegends #LegendsofTomorrow #WCCB #CW
Arrow Grade: B-
Arrow Grade: B-
Apparently...someone woke the writer's up this week...but don't will be short lived...
1. It only took Laurel's death to make her character interesting...
2. Think the Matrix meets...well, the
3. Ummm, guys...did the tractor beam strip away their clothes and equipment and then dress them in the alien equivalent to green scrubs...or did the Dominators do that after they arrived on the ship...and if so...pervs...
4. I guess the Dominators have the same security systems as The Arrow Cave, D.E.O, and Star Labs...does the CW just hate CPI...what, was a bill paid late and service got cut off or something...
5. Thea can pilot an alien ship without any training...sure...why the frak not...
6. While we are on topic...random alien weapon strapped to the wall well within reach of Oliver who can operate said alien weapon...because...didn't you see the freaking Hall of Justice on the Flash...who cares...
7. Why did they save Ray...I mean we finally had the chance to end that train wreck of a character...
8. The Dominators did not plan a fail safe in case Oliver and Company (not the Disney movie) figured out their poor man's answer to the Matrix...instead, they literally installed an exit door just to make things more interesting...
Apparently, even the Dominators are susceptible to Plot Device...
9. Supergirl could have attacked the mothership, saved Oliver and team, and destroyed the craft before it reached earth...if, in fact, Supergirl was actually an integral part of this crossover as advertised...
10. Then again, once the Dominators had taken over her mind, the crossover should have only lasted about 5 minutes instead of 4 shows...
But apparently, that transformer on the Flash episode was made of lead...I mean how else could she have not seen Oliver and Barry behind it and then missed them with her heat vision...right...
#YouAlmostFailedthisCrossover #Arrow #WCCB #CW
Apparently...someone woke the writer's up this week...but don't will be short lived...
1. It only took Laurel's death to make her character interesting...
2. Think the Matrix meets...well, the
3. Ummm, guys...did the tractor beam strip away their clothes and equipment and then dress them in the alien equivalent to green scrubs...or did the Dominators do that after they arrived on the ship...and if so...pervs...
4. I guess the Dominators have the same security systems as The Arrow Cave, D.E.O, and Star Labs...does the CW just hate CPI...what, was a bill paid late and service got cut off or something...
5. Thea can pilot an alien ship without any training...sure...why the frak not...
6. While we are on topic...random alien weapon strapped to the wall well within reach of Oliver who can operate said alien weapon...because...didn't you see the freaking Hall of Justice on the Flash...who cares...
7. Why did they save Ray...I mean we finally had the chance to end that train wreck of a character...
8. The Dominators did not plan a fail safe in case Oliver and Company (not the Disney movie) figured out their poor man's answer to the Matrix...instead, they literally installed an exit door just to make things more interesting...
Apparently, even the Dominators are susceptible to Plot Device...
9. Supergirl could have attacked the mothership, saved Oliver and team, and destroyed the craft before it reached earth...if, in fact, Supergirl was actually an integral part of this crossover as advertised...
10. Then again, once the Dominators had taken over her mind, the crossover should have only lasted about 5 minutes instead of 4 shows...
But apparently, that transformer on the Flash episode was made of lead...I mean how else could she have not seen Oliver and Barry behind it and then missed them with her heat vision...right...
#YouAlmostFailedthisCrossover #Arrow #WCCB #CW
Flash Grade: B+
Flash Grade: B+
The crossover spoilers continue to...well...crossover...
1. Dammit Barry has officially become the slogan of 2016...
2. New drinking game...take a shot everytime Barry apologizes...
3. Best Arrow writing since Season Two...happens on episode of Flash...
4. Cisco...can I get some cheese with that wine...
5. Wow...Felicity is literally annoying on four different, that is impressive...
6. The team abandoned Barry faster than Kanye's record label...
7. Do you think Hillary Clinton wishes she could be a speedster...Flashpoint could have solved sooo many things...
8. Yeah, the Dominators could have killed Barry right then and there...but... then we would have never seen the Hall of Justice...
9. With that said...the freaking Hall of Justice...
And you know you heard Ted Baxter's voice in your head when you saw it...
10. Savitar apparently figured he throw it to the Dominators this week and leave Central City alone...time to binge Stranger Things on Netflix...
Or maybe The Lord of The Rings or Transformers Trilogies...
#OneSpeedstertoRuleThemAll #Flash #WCCB #CW
The crossover spoilers continue to...well...crossover...
1. Dammit Barry has officially become the slogan of 2016...
2. New drinking game...take a shot everytime Barry apologizes...
3. Best Arrow writing since Season Two...happens on episode of Flash...
4. Cisco...can I get some cheese with that wine...
5. Wow...Felicity is literally annoying on four different, that is impressive...
6. The team abandoned Barry faster than Kanye's record label...
7. Do you think Hillary Clinton wishes she could be a speedster...Flashpoint could have solved sooo many things...
8. Yeah, the Dominators could have killed Barry right then and there...but... then we would have never seen the Hall of Justice...
9. With that said...the freaking Hall of Justice...
And you know you heard Ted Baxter's voice in your head when you saw it...
10. Savitar apparently figured he throw it to the Dominators this week and leave Central City alone...time to binge Stranger Things on Netflix...
Or maybe The Lord of The Rings or Transformers Trilogies...
#OneSpeedstertoRuleThemAll #Flash #WCCB #CW
Supergirl Grade: D
Supergirl Grade: D
Spoilers so large...they crossover four different shows...
1. Hey, writers...A 5 minute foreshadow does not a crossover episode make...
2. On the plus Guardian...
3. Cadmus could have engineered the alien virus to kill Kryptonians as well...if they wouldn't have spilled like a gallon of Kara's blood on the Fortress of Solitude console wasting it all...
4. I can't figure which one is less interesting...Alex's love life...or Mon-El all together...
5. The Luthors truly put the fun in dysfunctional...don't they...
6. Do you think Helen Slater is growing tired of being in horrible Supergirl incarnations...what, did she lose a bet or something...
7. Cyborg Superman...could have had Dean Cain play him...would have made sense...but this is Supergirl after all...wouldn't want to break the streak...
8. Hey...we could use the Medusa Virus that we spent so much useless time setting up to stop the Dominators...nah...let's do a whole convoluted thing that rips off Quicksilver from X-Men...oh, wait...that happens on DC's Legends of makes perfect sense that we end a bad idea on the same note we started it on...
9. Kara questions everything about her parents show is basically the equivalent of an 80's teen angst flick...cue, the guest spot by Anthony Michael Hall or Judd Nelson...
10. Apparently, breeches can be set for either commercial or residential...who knew...
#DCDropstheBallAgain #Supergirl #WCCB #CW
Spoilers so large...they crossover four different shows...
1. Hey, writers...A 5 minute foreshadow does not a crossover episode make...
2. On the plus Guardian...
3. Cadmus could have engineered the alien virus to kill Kryptonians as well...if they wouldn't have spilled like a gallon of Kara's blood on the Fortress of Solitude console wasting it all...
4. I can't figure which one is less interesting...Alex's love life...or Mon-El all together...
5. The Luthors truly put the fun in dysfunctional...don't they...
6. Do you think Helen Slater is growing tired of being in horrible Supergirl incarnations...what, did she lose a bet or something...
7. Cyborg Superman...could have had Dean Cain play him...would have made sense...but this is Supergirl after all...wouldn't want to break the streak...
8. Hey...we could use the Medusa Virus that we spent so much useless time setting up to stop the Dominators...nah...let's do a whole convoluted thing that rips off Quicksilver from X-Men...oh, wait...that happens on DC's Legends of makes perfect sense that we end a bad idea on the same note we started it on...
9. Kara questions everything about her parents show is basically the equivalent of an 80's teen angst flick...cue, the guest spot by Anthony Michael Hall or Judd Nelson...
10. Apparently, breeches can be set for either commercial or residential...who knew...
#DCDropstheBallAgain #Supergirl #WCCB #CW
Sunday, December 4, 2016
HARLEen QUINzel...New Movie Poster
HARLEen QUINzel official cast...
Lauren Spano...Harleen Quinzel
Lauren Roden...Young Harleen
Jonathan Thompson...Dr. Jeremiah Arkham
Megan Rogers...Pamela Isley
Dayna Verhey...Selina Kyle
James Hurley...The Joker
Chas Kress...The Coach
Chuck Kress...The Goliath
Madison Smith...Meghan
James Sealy...Dr. Jonathan Crane
Monday, November 28, 2016
HARLEen QUINzel Update 11/28/16!
It's official...we will be debuting the first trailer for HARLEen QUINzel @ #CharlotteComicon on Dec.11th at 11am with a panel featuring our cast to follow!!!
We will also be holding open auditions for both unpaid speaking and non-speaking roles for the film at our table.
Please make sure you, Visit, LIKE, and SHARE the movie's official Facebook page…
If we get 1000 LIKES by January 1st, 2017...we will be randomly selecting a winner for a set of autographed cast prints and A SHOUT OUT IN THE CREDITS of the film.
Our IndieGoGo campaign page is PLEDGE and SHARE today...we need your support!!!
Thursday, November 24, 2016
#JustaQuickiePlease: Exists Review
Found footage films have been done to death, and its hard to find one with a fresh and unique take amidst the myriad of POV flops and fails. So, when the progenitor of the genre, director Eduardo Sanchez, of Blair Witch infamy, released his latest vantage venue, I was intrigued to see if he could truly best his firstborn flick. It took all of the five minutes of this hour and twenty-six long farce to realize that there is nothing new under the sun. Sanchez moves from witches to Sasquatch in this tale of terror in which five obnoxious hipsters are hunted by what can only be equated as Harry, of Harry and The Henderson's, homicidal brother. The ridiculously poor performances might be forgivable if not for the stale and utterly unscary story that drags, even through its attempts at tension and thrills. As for the found footage aspect, it is done poorly and predictably, even inappropriately adding music emanating from nowhere, to further contradict its own concept. Although I will admit, once the missing link of lore is unveiled, he is somewhat impressive, especially seeing how difficult it is to make Bigfoot frightening thanks in large part to his commercial sellout as a beef jerky pitchman...or pitchbeast...whatever. The attempted moral to this tragic tale is admirable but the ending is as unrealistic as the acting and premise. 0 out of 5 Kernels: If I were the Yeti, I would come out of hiding just to sue the studio for defamation of character.
Flash Grade: A-
Flash Grade: A-
Killer spoilers...
1. Megatron vs. The Flash...these crossovers are getting ridiculous...
2. Dr. Alchemy reveal...
The surprise that surprised no one... one...
3. That was the hottest cold kiss ever...
Forget, ice baby...
4. Vibe and Killer Frost could become Stormtroopers with their combined level of accuracy...
5. Joe trusts his gut...
Gut lied...
6. Wasn't there a way we could have just left Wally in that for the rest of the season...
7. So, Julian you want Barry to quit because his moral compass is off and therefore he can't serve justice properly...and you do so by blackmailing him...
Is this guy a douche in everything he plays in...
8. How do you defeat Savitar...
Optimus Prime must throw the one ring into the fires of Mordor...
9. I'm Barry Allen...and I'm the fastest man alive...and like the fourth fastest speedster...make that fifth...I mean sixth...wait, I lost count...what episode are we on now...oh, nevermind...
10. Caitlin pulled a total liquid Terminator move on that acolyte...
#Flash #WCCB #CW #LoveThisShow
Killer spoilers...
1. Megatron vs. The Flash...these crossovers are getting ridiculous...
2. Dr. Alchemy reveal...
The surprise that surprised no one... one...
3. That was the hottest cold kiss ever...
Forget, ice baby...
4. Vibe and Killer Frost could become Stormtroopers with their combined level of accuracy...
5. Joe trusts his gut...
Gut lied...
6. Wasn't there a way we could have just left Wally in that for the rest of the season...
7. So, Julian you want Barry to quit because his moral compass is off and therefore he can't serve justice properly...and you do so by blackmailing him...
Is this guy a douche in everything he plays in...
8. How do you defeat Savitar...
Optimus Prime must throw the one ring into the fires of Mordor...
9. I'm Barry Allen...and I'm the fastest man alive...and like the fourth fastest speedster...make that fifth...I mean sixth...wait, I lost count...what episode are we on now...oh, nevermind...
10. Caitlin pulled a total liquid Terminator move on that acolyte...
#Flash #WCCB #CW #LoveThisShow
Gotham Grade: A-
Gotham Grade: A-
Best DC show ever!
1. On this episode of Fifty Shades of Nygma...
2. Tabby gave Butch a hand...literally...
3. This week...Gotham meets the Godfather...
4. Butch found Nygma's accusations shocking...
5. Yeah, Barbara...don't shoot Nygma after you realize he tortured and maimed the woman you love...that makes perfect sense...
That wasn't too Keen, now was it...
Oh, how I miss Jerome...
6. At this point...the only one that cares about Lee and Jim's Mario...
7. Falcone vs. The Court of, that is a Pay Per View event I would pony up for...
8. Remember guys...After all, Ivy is a 14-year-old trapped in a grown woman's body...that explains why she acts the way she does...
How is that different than any other woman...
9. Yeah, Bruce...let's immediately trust the smugglers who just tried to shishkabob you and your friends with crossbows...
We have a long way to go until Batman...don't we...
10. Riddle me this...what is black, white, and red all over...
A Penguin...after an angry Nygma gets a hold of him...
#BestShowonTV #Gotham #FOX
Best DC show ever!
1. On this episode of Fifty Shades of Nygma...
2. Tabby gave Butch a hand...literally...
3. This week...Gotham meets the Godfather...
4. Butch found Nygma's accusations shocking...
5. Yeah, Barbara...don't shoot Nygma after you realize he tortured and maimed the woman you love...that makes perfect sense...
That wasn't too Keen, now was it...
Oh, how I miss Jerome...
6. At this point...the only one that cares about Lee and Jim's Mario...
7. Falcone vs. The Court of, that is a Pay Per View event I would pony up for...
8. Remember guys...After all, Ivy is a 14-year-old trapped in a grown woman's body...that explains why she acts the way she does...
How is that different than any other woman...
9. Yeah, Bruce...let's immediately trust the smugglers who just tried to shishkabob you and your friends with crossbows...
We have a long way to go until Batman...don't we...
10. Riddle me this...what is black, white, and red all over...
A Penguin...after an angry Nygma gets a hold of him...
#BestShowonTV #Gotham #FOX
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Supergirl Grade: D
Supergirl Grade: D
Spoilers...or what I like to call, "thank you for letting me know before I wasted an hour of my life"...
1. Hank Henshaw is dead...I am...An Awkward and Deliberate Comic Book Reference That You Would Not Have Figured Out Unless I Made It An Awkward And Deliberate Comic Book Reference...
2. may not be able to break the bars, but I'm pretty sure you could have melted Momma Luthor's face with your laser eyes through the large spaces between them...just saying...
3.'s the Vigilante of Supergirl's Earth...
Hey...we had to give Guardian's existence a purpose in a show filled with superpowered aliens...
4. Why wasn't this whole show about Martian Manhunter and Miss it because that would have actually been interesting...that's it...isn't it...
5. How dare you defile Batman by making a reference about him in this terrible show...
6. Why does this show feel more and more like a bad reboot of Alien Nation...
Spoiled milk anyone...
7. So, the Krypton computer can be overridden by simply spilling blood all over it...cause that's how it detects DNA...
That's great, if Superman ever loses his password he can just grab a porno and go to town...
8. Is there anyone that Kara can actually beat in a fight...anyone...
The Guardian maybe...
9. Who knew...during superhero fight scenes random pyrotechnics go off without any apparent rhyme or reason...
Seriously, special effects have just given up...haven't you...
10. allergic to lead...yet is bulletproof in every scene he has been in prior to Cadmus...I guess those bad guys before were using paintballs or something....
#Supergirl #WCCB #CW #WhyDCWhy
Spoilers...or what I like to call, "thank you for letting me know before I wasted an hour of my life"...
1. Hank Henshaw is dead...I am...An Awkward and Deliberate Comic Book Reference That You Would Not Have Figured Out Unless I Made It An Awkward And Deliberate Comic Book Reference...
2. may not be able to break the bars, but I'm pretty sure you could have melted Momma Luthor's face with your laser eyes through the large spaces between them...just saying...
3.'s the Vigilante of Supergirl's Earth...
Hey...we had to give Guardian's existence a purpose in a show filled with superpowered aliens...
4. Why wasn't this whole show about Martian Manhunter and Miss it because that would have actually been interesting...that's it...isn't it...
5. How dare you defile Batman by making a reference about him in this terrible show...
6. Why does this show feel more and more like a bad reboot of Alien Nation...
Spoiled milk anyone...
7. So, the Krypton computer can be overridden by simply spilling blood all over it...cause that's how it detects DNA...
That's great, if Superman ever loses his password he can just grab a porno and go to town...
8. Is there anyone that Kara can actually beat in a fight...anyone...
The Guardian maybe...
9. Who knew...during superhero fight scenes random pyrotechnics go off without any apparent rhyme or reason...
Seriously, special effects have just given up...haven't you...
10. allergic to lead...yet is bulletproof in every scene he has been in prior to Cadmus...I guess those bad guys before were using paintballs or something....
#Supergirl #WCCB #CW #WhyDCWhy
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Monday, November 21, 2016
HARLEen QUINzel IndieGoGo Week 2 Update
Two weeks into our IndieGoGo campaign for our feature length fan film HARLEen QUINzel and only at 2% of our goal!
We need your support, today!!!
To give you a more detailed glimpse into what we are trying to accomplish here is the interview with Director/Producer Ronn Garris owner of TGF Media.
Please, don't forget to visit, LIKE, and SHARE the movie's official Facebook page.…
We are at 163 LIKES and If we get 1000 LIKES by January 1st, 2017...we will be randomly selecting a winner for a set of autographed cast prints and A SHOUT OUT IN THE CREDITS of the film.
The IndieGoGo campaign page is PLEDGE and SHARE today!!!
Thank you for your support!
We need your support, today!!!
To give you a more detailed glimpse into what we are trying to accomplish here is the interview with Director/Producer Ronn Garris owner of TGF Media.
Please, don't forget to visit, LIKE, and SHARE the movie's official Facebook page.…
We are at 163 LIKES and If we get 1000 LIKES by January 1st, 2017...we will be randomly selecting a winner for a set of autographed cast prints and A SHOUT OUT IN THE CREDITS of the film.
The IndieGoGo campaign page is PLEDGE and SHARE today!!!
Thank you for your support!
Friday, November 18, 2016
The second round of #VampireHunterBatman...
Still, not totally satisfied with the look but I think I achieved a successful Anime feel to the character.
I used Alucard, Van Helsing, and Vampire Hunter D as inspirations.
Special thanks to Jonathan Thompson of Devil May Care Cosplay and Productions for the photographs...
Going to shoot this one more time, once I get the last minute touches done...mostly cosmetic and working out the fangs, as you still can't see them too well...
#TheLakeWylieBatman #beyourownherocosplay
I used Alucard, Van Helsing, and Vampire Hunter D as inspirations.
Special thanks to Jonathan Thompson of Devil May Care Cosplay and Productions for the photographs...
Going to shoot this one more time, once I get the last minute touches done...mostly cosmetic and working out the fangs, as you still can't see them too well...
#TheLakeWylieBatman #beyourownherocosplay
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