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Saturday, November 5, 2016

DC's Legends of Tomorrow Grade: F to the Infinite Power

DC's Legends of Tomorrow Grade: F to the Infinite Power

It's like they're just daring the network to cancel them at this point...

1. Think of it like this...

History and science are Brian Griffin and this show is Jillian...

2. You know your show sucks when you can't even get the zombie episode right...

Glenn would have literally killed himself to escape this show...

3. Because a woman captain in Civil War America would be accepted with open arms...

Frak You, MotherFraking, realism....

4. The best way to sum up this episode...

If Roger Corman directed Roots...

DC...offensive steroetypes are our thing, man....

5. Again, let's not have the nuclear-powered superhero wipe out the zombies because we might reveal our powers and presence and alter the timeline...

You mean the very same timeline already altered by motherfraking zombies...

6. All zombie virus effects are stripped away by the antidote like Ben Affleck's raccoon eyes miraculously disappeared when Superman ripped off his cowl...

Bonus points for reaching across the multiverse for that reference...

7. 1970's Star Trek called...they want their damn sets and special effects back...

8. So, if you drop a single hurricane lantern from the third floor it explodes like the entire area has been sprayed by Kerosene...

I was seriously waiting for Kevin McCallister to jump out and say, "Yes...yes...yes...yes"...

9. Rory gives Ray Captain Cold's gun...

Sure...whatever...is anyone still watching anymore, anyway...

Let's see if he gets down the whole Shatner cadence now...

10. I think the advice old Barry gave was....

Change the motherfraking channel...

P.S....that's why they're keeping it a secret...

#WTFDC #DC #DCLegends #DCLegendsofTomorrow #WCCB #CW

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