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Wednesday, March 29, 2017

DC Legends of Tomorrow Grade: Reality Bending F

DC Legends of Tomorrow Grade: Reality Bending F

I truly believe other countries torture their captives by forcing them to watch this show...

And, North Korea is using it to advance their nuclear and science programs...

Oh, and spoilers...

1. Again, I ask, can we use the Spear of Destiny on the writing staff...

2. Well, look at that...

A nuclear reactor can destroy the Spear of Destiny...

It's a good thing we don't know any superheroes that possess that power...

3. It's official...

Mick is the most intelligent person on this show...

4. Janitor guy can instinctually invent a device that bends reality without any real resources, technological background, and a definable power source...

Would we have expected anything less from this show...

5. Nate and Ray can take on Sarah and Vixen in a fist fight....

Okay, now we have breached the limits of any reality...

6. Felicity is just as annoying as a masked vigilante as she is as normal Felicity...

Who knew...

7. Guy with magic powers can't beat a speedster...


Seems to be a running theme this week...

Ha...running...speedster...get it...

8. So, instead of quality script writing...

We will just throw random fandom items into the mix...

Oh, hey look the Hall of Doom...

Sort of...

Well, that makes everything better...

What an awesome show...

9. Overtly predictable result after unnecessary and cliched bad guy speech is overtly predictable and cliched...

10. Always a good idea to keep your enemies around after you succeed in your evil plans...

Apparently, the Legion of Doom's greatest adversary is plot device...

Bonus: The only show that can make Snart as interesting as watching snow melt...

Kudos, guys...


#CW #WCCB #Legends #DC #LegendsofTomorrow #DCWTF

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