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Thursday, March 23, 2017

Flash Grade: D

Flash Grade: D

Well, after three seasons of remarkable episodes, they were due for an asinine one...

Oh, and spoilers...

1.  Musical crossover...

Think of it as the equivalent of an idea enema...

2. This show brought to you by the songs that didn't require royalties...

3. You can download the soundtrack...

You can also stick an ice pick in your eye and then wash out the wound with a mixture of lemon juice, salt, and rubbing alcohol...

Not sure which one would be less tolerable...

4. Didn't we do the annoying fifth-dimensional being in a sappy and incoherent episode thingy on Supergirl already...

5. Were we supposed to be cheering for Kara and Barry to get together...

Cause it kinda felt like we should have been cheering for Kara and Barry to get together...

6. If he could Vibe them in...

Why didn't he just try to Vibe them out...

7. If the Music Meister was a good guy...

Tell me again...

Why he absorbed Flash and Supergirl's powers (which would eventually have killed them)...

Robbed a bank...

And, fought Vibe, The Green Dude, and Flash Light...

8. Horrific Lip Sync levels that could have literally resurrected Milli Vanilli...


To soon...

9. Hey, Barry...

How long is it from one end of S.T.A.R Labs to the other...

10. Still a better episode than any DC Legends of Tomorrow show...

Bonus: Thank you for forever ruining my childhood by utterly defaming the Superfriends with your atrocious song...

#WCCB #CW #Flash #Supergirl #Superdisaster

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