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Sunday, November 26, 2017

#JustaQuickiePlease: War for the Planet of the Apes Review

Reeves continues to amaze with the impeccable way he effortlessly and wonderfully bestows his talent and vision to the masses via his cinematic ventures.   This time with his take on the third outing of the Ape's legacy.  Keeping the mythos intact, Matt weaves an intricate and stunning tale embracing his own originality while protecting and embellishing upon the chronology of the tale.   Caesar's story comes to its end, however, we quickly realize the build-up to an inevitable reboot of the franchise's origins looms with four decades worth of anticipation.  This is truly Serki's finest role, taking the renowned character actor beyond his CGI incarnation to something deeply sincere and authentic, connecting with the audience in an almost supernatural way.  Harrelson's villain convincingly epitomizes the evil that this series has worked so diligently to expose, a distinctly human carelessness and entitlement that the original author always believed would eventually lead to its own extinction.  In other words, we are the weapon of our own destruction.  With a well-crafted script, stellar performances, and stunning visuals, that immerse the viewer in both this prophetically tragic dystopian future and allegorical manifestation of the horrors of war and its resulting desperation, this third outing is both hard to watch and impossible to turn away from.  4 out of 5 Kernels; the primates, again, reign supreme on the silver screen.

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