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Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Flash Grade: B

Flash Grade: B

Speedforce level spoilers...

1. Did J.J. Abrams direct this episode...

2. Tell me again...exactly how did a hologram trip the Meta detectors...

3. Apparently, the CW pays Disney by the reference...

4. Is anyone else missing the Eobard Thawne version of Wells right about now...

5.  H.R. Wells...get it...get it...

6. Chill Caitlin..just chill...

7. So, Julian is upset because, just when he became an accomplished scientist all of these magically created Metas came about and now he feels powerless...it's too bad there isn't a school he could go to where they could teach him the special skills needed to stop them...like, a place where they have classes about monsters and spells and such...come to think of it...a story like  that would be huge...it could sell millions of books and have multiple movies made about it...why, has no one thought of this by now...

8. Did a 15-year-old just outsmart Cisco...

Seriously, dude...really...

9. Worst episode pay off ever...

On the other hand, the most sitcom inspired heartfelt speeches in one episode...

I was literally waiting  for Danny Tanner to pop out at some point...


10. Thanks for all the backstory on Caitlin's mom...cause that was a huge help in understanding their dynamic...

It's not like we had three seasons to at least broach their relationship or anything...

#WCCB #CW #Flash #Crossovercantcomesoonenough

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