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Saturday, January 21, 2012

One Minute Movie Review: The Help

Very rarely am I truly affected by a movie. I am disappointed most of the time as hype consistently trumps substance. I am extremely ecstatic to report, this film is one of the few that has quickly become one of my favorite films of all time. It is the Color Purple for the new generation. Deeply moving, complexly written, rich in character development and chemistry, I was riveted to my Lazy Boy with each inspired moment. I was angry inspired and entertained all at the same time. This was Emma Stone's shining moment. Viola Davis and Octavia Spencer undoubtedly drive this film with some of the finest acting to come out of Hollywood in a frightfully long time. This is only Tate Taylor's third directorial outing, which was a surprise to me. Based on the quality of this picture I would have thought he was a well established crafty and skilled veteran. I can only hope a few well deserved Oscar nods are coming, if not the cinematic heirachy has lost what is left of their already feeble minds. This is not just a must see, it should be required viewing for anyone of seeking theatrical excellence. 5 out of 5 Kernels, a triumphant story of humanity and courage.

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