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Sunday, May 14, 2017

Arrow Grade: F (for FAILED this series)

You know it's getting bad when you start missing the dirtbikes...

Oh, and spoilers...

1) Oh my God...

Adrian tried to drown Diggle and Oliver in Nestle Quik...

2) While we are at it...

So, for that trap to have worked...

Dig and Ollie would have stopped in that exact space for no apparent reason...

And, somehow, Adrian had a premonition that they would stop in that exact space for no reason...

Resolution: Adrian is, in fact, a really pissed off Professor X who fixed his spine with Felicity's tech and had a really successful Rogaine experience...

Like, really successful...

3) We just discovered Oliver's father was a bad guy...

The first few episodes of Season One...

4) He hadn't worn the suit in so long...

The hood shrunk...

5) All we would have to do is use T-Sphere's and Dinah's Canary Cry and we would actually SAVE Central City...

6) How in the HELL did they get a crate, that large and filled with concrete, into Oliver's office...

Oh, that's right...

They used that new shipping service...


Plot Device Express...

They deliver anywhere...

But their best customers are on the CW...

7) Secret death video quality is like 4K...


That was the clearest security camera footage in the history of security camera footage...

8) Speedy's back...


9) So, we are all just supposed to believe Mr. Terrific was able to disarm that biological weapon with that much ease...

Is that what we are supposed to do...



10) Oh my God, Ollie's dad just drowned that guy in a vat of Nestle Quik...

No wonder Queen Consolidate's logo was a bunny sipping milk through a straw...


#CW #Arrow #FaileditsFans #Dirtbikes

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