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Thursday, May 11, 2017

Flash Grade: C

Flash Grade: C

A forgettable filler episode...

In more ways than one...

Oh, and spoilers...

1) This episode brought to you through the combined efforts of the writers of all the 90's TGIF sitcoms...

2) So, if we help Caitlin...

Iris dies...

If we don't help Caitlin...

Iris lives...

Flash still has his powers...

Wally is still annoying...

Yeah, left me scratching my head too...

3) So...

Killer Frost is innately evil because...

No really...

Why is she evil...

Because she has cold and ice elemental like powers...


Iceman isn't evil...

Frozone isn't evil...

Frosty the snowman isn't evil...

Elsa isn't evil...


Mr. Freeze and Captain Cold are...

Yeah, they were evil, to begin with...

Why am I having this argument with myself...

Let's move on, shall we...

4) We could have distracted Caitlin, found Savitar, taken him out, and then brought Barry's memory back...

But then the plot device gods would have been very angry...

5) That poor Potter dude can't catch a break...

6) You realize everyone died in the fire by the time Barry and Wally got to them...


7) While we are at it...

Can you imagine the conversation the security guards had when dime store Heatwave entered the building...

Hey, who's that guy with the flamethrower on his back...

Must be from Dominoes...


Dude, it's fine...

He's wearing a FLAMETHROWER...

Shut up, I'm watching my stories...

8) The only authentic element of this episode was the courtroom scene...

Psychopathic pyromaniac guy is found innocent...

Despite overwhelming evidence...

Because of an idiotic judge...

9) Wait...

Was amnesia Barry...

A better lover than regular Barry....

10) If he had amnesia...

How did he remember how to put on the suit so fast...

#CW #Flash #Savitar

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