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Saturday, May 26, 2012

One Minute Movie Review: Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

What takes a film from basic entertainment fare to contemporary, dramatic classic? What moves a story from engaging to thoroughly engrossing? What turns two dimensional characters to flesh and blood, authentic, relatable, almost familiar entities? It is the one thing that escapes most of today's cinema, lacking in most of Hollywoods attempts at realism and storytelling. That one thing is humanity. I am pleased to report this film is dripping in it. Oscar winning director, Stephen Daldry spins a tale that immerses the audience in a unique combination of grief, hope, persistence, desperation, lonliness, emotion, and finally, resolution that I have not witnessed in an extraordinarily long time maybe the singularly best I have seen. Unpredictable, raw, hard to watch at moments, real, and exemplifying everything drama should be, this film exceeds all expectations and takes the audience on an unforgettable and utterly satisfying journey that touches and, at times, breaks the heart. The chemistry and interaction between players is so graceful, and deeply personal one feels almost voyeuristic sharing their highs and lows, pain and passion, life and love. Hanks and Bullock deliver extraordinary, yet subtle performances enhancing but never eclipsing young newcomer, Thomas Horn. Horn's debut is stellar, his skill, so pure and relatable, putting many of his elders to shame. Finally, Sydow is able to deliver more in his muted, but moving performance than most thespians gush endlessly in a career. A wonderous masterpiece, using authentic dialogue, creative cinematography, and a well crafted story to create a true work of art in cinema. It moves at the right tempo to tell the tale masterfully. 5 out of 5 Kernels: the greatest achievement for a film is that you leave with something this one does so and more.

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