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Thursday, October 27, 2016

Arrow Grade: D

Arrow Grade: D

Still trying to figure out why I still even bother...

1. Most useless character on the show...

Tie goes to Mad Dog and Felicity...you make the call...

2. Could we make the military prison look anymore more like a cheaply and haphazardly put together set on a sound stage...


3. And...the dirt bikes are back...

4. Oliver beats up his own team...

He is literally the Adrian Peterson of the DC Universe...

5. Explosions in the Arrowverse can tear through concrete, but as long as you awkwardly jump like two or three feet away from the blast radius you're good...

6. How exactly is the liquid melt through anything spray contained in its can...anyone...no...alrighy then...moving on...

7. You know it's getting bad when...the flashbacks are the most interesting part of the show...

8. Mr, Terrific's purpose on the team...

No, seriously, that's a question...

9. Artemis...think Thea...if she was younger, less talented, and totally uninteresting...

10. Is Ragman's other superpower soft pouty eyes...

#DCyouhavefailedyourfans #Arrow #WCCB #CW

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