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Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Gotham Grade: B-

Gotham Grade: B-


1. Ladies and gentleman...
...we give you the Mad Hatter...
...or the steampunk Emo version of Marvel's Kilgrave...

2. Evil Twin plotline...
Welcome to Gotham General...
...or Days of our Gotham...
...the Penguin and the Restofus....
....One Riddle to Live...
...insert your Soap Opera pun here...

3.  Penguin runs for mayor...

...Holy Tim Burton Nod, Batman...

4.  How will we ever tell Bruce's evil twin from him...three words...
...Donald Trump Haircut...

5. Lee is back...said no one who cares...

6. The Falcone has landed...

7. She wasn't too Keen on being hypnotized...

...okay...that was a Gotham-sized Dad joke...

8.  Alice gives a whole new meaning the idea of bad blood between sibs...

9.  Did anyone just think to knock the damn watch out of his hands...anyone...

10. Cobblepot and Nigma...now, that's a Dynamic Duo...


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