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Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Flash Grade: A

Flash Grade: B

Time splitting spoilers...

1.  Dammit, Barry...
...just had to get it out of the way...

2.  He changed the entire timeline...
...so, how he is still the Flash and gets to keep the costume again...

3.  Wow...didn't think it could be done...Wally West as is even more annoying as Kid Flash than ever before...kudos...

4. Joe is a drunk now...because...reasons...

5. You know what would have been funny...
...if Caitlin was a cryogenicist in this time line...or worked at a Baskin Robbins...
...you know, with the whole Killer Frost thing...
...okay...moving on...

6. Supergirl hasn't even debuted on the CW yet and already Flash's worst enemy is bad cosplay...
...really...we went from Zoom to this...

7.  Two timelines later and S.T.A.R. Labs still sucks at security...

8.  Where was Eddie?  Am I the only one who cares...
...apparently so...

9.  While we are at it....didn't Wells build S.T.A.R Labs and if so, wouldn't it have built ten years into the future if Eobard hadn't intervened...
...do we just not care about any facet of scientific integrity at this point...no...okay then...onto number 10...

10.  Proof that money is the root of all evil...
...it made Cisco a douche...not cool writers...not cool...

#WCCB #CW #Flash

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