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Thursday, October 6, 2016

Arrow Grade: C+

Arrow Grade: C+

Spoil..to the...ers...

1.  Hey, fight choreographers...

...you do want them to at least look like they are actually hitting each...

...just a friendly reminder...

2.  We are only in the first episode of the new season and the whole W.W.L.D (What Would Laurel Do) things is getting old  quick...

3.  The Arrow is really killing them with kindness...


...no, but he has started killing the bad guys again, though...

4.  Define irony...

The Arrow (played by Stephen Amell) fights with a guy who looks like Casey Jones (who was played by Stephen Amell)

...was literally waiting for the guy to be thrown into a stack of crates that burst open upon the impact and a mass of TMNT2 Blu-rays spill out....

5.  Flashbacks...oh, the glorious flashbacks...

*said facetiously*

6. The absence of Diggle's ridiculous helmet...

...I have a feeling this will be short lived...

7.  Felicity has become less interesting than any given background prop....

8.  Flashpoint had zero effect on the Arrowverse...

...too bad, it couldn't erase the last two seasons...

9. Awesome villain alert...Tobias Church...

...let's try not to "Damian Dahrk" him to soon...

10.  Two words...Parachute Arrow...

...waiting for him to unveil the Anti-Shark Repellent Arrow to complete the ensemble...

Bonus point...was that a Vigilante Easter Egg?

#Arrow #DCdontletusdowninseason5

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