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Thursday, October 20, 2016

Flash Grade: A-

Flash Grade: A-

Superfast spoilers...

1.  Apparently Barry, no matter how many times you alter the timeline...you and Iris will never have chemistry...

B.B.P...Bring Back Patty...

2. Did we just give Jessie Trajectory's outfit...

3.  Wells using not...that's cool...NOT!!!!

4. That ship almost took out the building...that was some major ship...Magenta was about to drop a huge ship...that ship wasn't happening...or maybe there are days that ship happens...Barry kept that ship up...then Jessie brought took that ship off him...that ship was all up in their faces....good thing they stopped that ship...

The jokes go on and on...

Or...the ship literally writes itself...

Okay...I'll stop now...

5.  Geesh...Magneto's daughter is pissed...

6. Magenta...you see what happens when you don't let Cisco give the nicknames...

7. Rival lasted two episodes...a new record for side baddies...I'm just glad we won't have to look at the BatFlash cowl again...

8. Are we deliberating making Wally West the Laurel of this show...


9. How many more episodes until the crossover, again...

10. He just left her in that strange town all by herself...didn't he...

#WCCB #CW #Flash #DCthereshopeyet

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