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Thursday, October 20, 2016

Gotham Grade: A-

Gotham Grade: A-

Spoilerage alert...

1. The only possible benefit to being in the Red Hood Gang is not being in the Red Hood Gang,,,,

2. Barbara Keen...even crazy thinks she is one insane beeotch...

3.  All that the Penguin and Riddler scene needed was a Celine Dion soundtrack...

4. Butch gets double-crossed by Riddler...which surprised no one by Butch...

5. Bruce loves Selina...he is actually hoping the cat gets his tongue...

Wow...he actually went there...

6. Is it me...or is this show just one big love note to Tim Burton...

7. Barnes is getting stronger...

...and Leon is getting larger...

If you get that reference you're awesome...

8. Gordon found him a new girlfriend...who is as uninteresting as the other two...

9. Ivy was playing cat and mouse with Selina...

Okay, that's two feline funnies...enough already...

10. Mad Hatter is back...cause no one saw that coming...

The freakin' season is called Mad City after all...

#Gotham #Fox #DCsBestShowYet

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