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Sunday, April 1, 2012

One Minute Movie Review: Anonymous

Roland Emmerich leaves his passion for directing epic disaster tales (ID4, 2012, The Day after Tomorrow, and the ill fated Godzilla) to direct an incredibly intricate, engaging, and masterful film. Without spoiling too much, this movie poses the question, what if Shakespeare was not the true genius who penned the wealth of his poems and plays? In the process, the audience is treated to the weaving of a magnificent tapestry composed of intrigue, betrayal, mystery, and tragedy. It is truly a well constructed and flawless drama within a drama. The entire ensemble each deliver performances that are both incredibly honest and deeply personal. Ifhans and Redgrave capture the audience in their leading roles and never let go. This will unquestionably offend rabid fans of the world's greatest playwright, but for those adventurous and open minded cinefanatics, it is a compelling Elizabethan drama that overflows with spirit and story. A delicious recipe prepared by a surprising chef. 4 out of 5 Kernels; to see or not to see, there is no question an absolute must see.

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