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Monday, December 5, 2016

Gotham Grade: A-

Gotham Grade: A-

This show is consistently DC's saving grace...

1. Deconstructing Gordon...

2. Even infected with Alice Tetch's blood...Mario is still boring as hell...

3. Jim, you missed...oh, my bad...you weren't aiming for Lee...sorry...carry on...

4. Apparently when Falcone told Jim not to shoot his son...Gordon heard, "please empty your entire clip into his Tux shirt"...

5. He used the grappling hook...he USED THE GRAPPLING HOOK...

6. Alfred is just bad arse incarnate...ain't he...

7. You realize this is a work of true fiction when you see a 15-year-old boy doing something more than playing Halo twelve hours a day...

8. Anyone else just come to the realization that Bruce blew off the Batcave...

9. Geek mecca would have absolutely occurred if Selina's mom would have been played by Pfeiffer...c'mon Heller...you let us down...


#JEROME #Gotham #Fox

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